Home > 24/7 crisis lines and other resources for you or your loved one

24/7 crisis lines and other resources for you or your loved one

Here is a list of resources to help you outside of our organization’s business hours.

Suicidal thoughts?

If you or a loved one is in distress, call 1-866-APPELLE (277-3553) toll-free from anywhere in Quebec or visit www.suicide.ca.
Link to the Quebec Centres for Suicide Prevention (RCPSQ) website
Link to the Quebec Association for Suicide Prevention (AQPS) website

Are you experiencing a crisis?

Don’t hesitate to ask for help and contact crisis service providers in your area.

Need help but don’t know where to turn to?

Health care network professionals can help.
Health and wellness Portal (MSSS)
Info-Santé 811

Need to talk to someone?

Quebec’s helplines are here to listen to your troubles and offer a glimmer of hope over the phone.


Tél-Jeunes | call 1-800-263-2266 or text 514-600-1002 | https://www.teljeunes.com/accueil

Kids Help Phone | call 1-800-668-6868 or text CONNECT au 686868 | https://kidshelpphone.ca/


Thanks to our partners :

Jean Coutu
VIA Rail Canada
L’Appui proches aidants
Réseaux communautaire de Santé et de Services sociaux
Centre d’apprentissage Santé et Rétablissement
Lafrance Communication
Desjardins Caisse du Plateau Montcalm
Raise Solutions
David Communication
Centre Axel
Productions Cina
Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
Fondation Québec Philanthrope

Merci à nos donateurs corporatifs :

Rio Tinto
Fondation Famille Leclair
iA Groupe financier
Dariane Sanche