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Podcast : CAP vers l’entourage

CAP santé mentale is pleased to offer you its podcast series CAP VERS L’ENTOURAGE!

Through this podcast, we give voice to people living in the shadow of a loved one with mental illness to help us better understand their experiences. We also speak with practitioners, psychologists, researchers and CAP santé mentale member organizations so we can better understand their field and the work they do with family members of loved ones with a mental illness.

Our guests agree to speak and make their voices heard on this sometimes-difficult subject. CAP VERS L’ENTOURAGE dives into the heart of these intimate stories to break down taboos.

Each monthly episode includes an interview or testimonial highlighting the lives of loved ones of people with mental illness as well as the various resources that exist in Quebec.

All episodes are available on whichever platform you use to listen to your podcasts.

CAP vers l’entourage is produced and directed by CAP santé mentale under the direction of Manon Dion.

Interviews and editing: Émilie Lenoble

© All rights reserved

[French only]

Episode 17 : The stigma around mental illness

Episode 17 : The stigma around mental illness

Duration : 21:21

In this 17th episode of CAP vers l'entourage, a special edition for Quebec Family Week and Nursing Week, you will hear the testimony of Marie-Ève Caron, nurse with expertise with families in mental health as well as founder and Executive Director of SantéFamille. Marie-Ève discusses her journey, stigma and the influence of families. How does stigma arise among families accompanying a person living with a mental health disorder? How do we overcome our own stigma? How to help others overcome their prejudices? These are all questions that Marie-Ève answers in her testimony. This episode marks the end of season 2 of the series, thank you for listening during the past few months!

Episode 16 : Emerging practice : Family Peer Support Worker

Episode 16 : Emerging practice : Family Peer Support Worker

Duration : 20:19

In this 16th episode of CAP vers l'entourage, you will hear the testimony of Julie Coulombe, family peer support worker for the Quebec Society for Schizophrenia and Related Psychoses. Julie discusses this emerging practice and her personal journey in the field. What are the benefits of meeting with a family peer support worker? How does a meeting with a family peer support worker take place? How does one come to become a family peer support worker? These are all questions that Julie answers in her testimony.

Episode 15 : The importance of talking about suicide

Episode 15 : The importance of talking about suicide

Duration : 25:35

In this 15th episode of CAP vers l'entourage following the 32nd suicide prevention week of the Quebec Association for Suicide Prevention (AQPS), you will hear the testimony of Rock-André Blondin, training advisor at the AQPS. Rock-André discusses some myths surrounding suicide prevention, the impact of talking about suicide for different audiences, and how to talk about suicide well, especially on social media.

Episode 14 : In harmony with the holiday season

Episode 14 : In harmony with the holiday season

Duration : 33:33

In this 14th episode of CAP vers l'entourage, a special edition for the holiday season, you will hear the testimony of Valérie Vigneault, social worker at the Nelligan Center in Roberval. Valérie discusses general factors, factors specific to accompanying someone with a mental health disorder and specific factors for people living with a mental health disorder that can make the holidays more difficult. Through her testimony, you will also find tips and tricks for having a better holiday season in adversity.

Episode 13 : How men ask for help

Episode 13 : How men ask for help

Duration : 26:21

On this 13th episode and Movember special edition of CAP vers l’entourage, we’ll hear from Philippe St-Laurent, Director of Le Portailin Rouyn-Noranda. Philippe discusses how men ask for help in Quebec. His testimony will open our eyes to the strength of masculinity, the important role fathers, husbands and brothers play in mental health situations and important differences in how men and women ask for help. This quote from Gilles Tremblay highlights the difference well: "Women cry out their anger and men shout their sadness and shame."

Episode 12 : Mental Illness, Unfiltered

Episode 12 : Mental Illness, Unfiltered

Duration : 20:00

Today marks the beginning of season two of CAP vers l’entourage. In this 12th episode, you will hear two testimonials, one from Jade and one from Joany. Jade has been an Unfiltered Squad ambassador for a year. As a family member of a person with a mental illness and a student in psychology, discussing mental health is very important to her. Joany has been an Unfiltered Squad ambassador for two years now. She is also a family member of a person with a mental illness, which is why talking about her experience and the resources available is part of her daily objectives. Jade and Joany will discuss the importance of talking about mental illness and their experience as Unfiltered Squad ambassadors.


Season 1

CAP santé mentale is pleased to annonce the its 1st podcast series CAP VERS L’ENTOURAGE for the fall 2020 season!

Our speakers are sisters, friends and children aged 18 to 25 years old with one thing in common: They are living in the shadow of a loved one with a mental illness. This reality creates a whirlwind of emotions that can sometimes be difficult to address.

These young people are speaking out so their voices can be heard. CAP VERS L’ENTOURAGE dives into the heart of these intimate, unfiltered stories to break down taboos.

Every three weeks, a new set of interviews and testimonials is released, highlighting the lives of loved ones of people with mental illness and the various resources that exist in Quebec.

We also speak with practitioners, psychologists, researchers and CAP santé mentale member organizations so we can better understand their field and the work they do with family members of loved ones with a mental illness.

Meet Camille, Charlotte, Jean-Philippe, Laurie, Rosalie, Sara and Flora, and find out how they maintained their balance and made themselves part of the solution.

All episodes are available on whichever platform you use to listen to your podcasts.

CAP vers l’entourage is produced and directed by CAP santé mentale under the direction of Manon Dion.

Interviews and editing: Florie Le Liboux.

A big “thank you” to Maxime Pelletier-Huot for his technical support.

© All rights reserved

[French only]

Episode 11 : Maintaining Our Relationships Through Openness and Boundaries

Episode 11 : Maintaining Our Relationships Through Openness and Boundaries

Duration : 35:34

In the 11th and final episode of season 1 of CAP vers l’entourage, you’ll hear two testimonials. Laurie, now in her twenties, will discuss what it means to accompany a friend living with mental illness. When Laurie first contacted us, their paths had separated, but between then and the recording of her testimonial, she and her friend had a discussion that allowed them to put a lot of the pieces back together. Laura will tell us what this discussion was like, how it opened her eyes and how she feels about their friendship now. Then, we will hear from Julie Belleau, Clinic Coordinator and Child and Youth Program Manager at La Boussole, a CAP santé mentale member affiliate. We’ll dive into what it means to be an advocate. Then, Julie will answer questions from family members on topics such as how to distinguish between the mental illness and the person and how to learn to establish your power zone in the relationship. Enjoy!

Episode 10 : What role do siblings play when it comes to mental illness?

Episode 10 : What role do siblings play when it comes to mental illness?

Duration : 31:36

This episode is a continuation of Episode 09: Our Brother Has Bipolar Disorder: A Testimonial from Two Sisters, which we encourage you to listen to first. This week we give the CAP vers l’entourage microphone to Hélène Davtian, Clinical Psychologist and Director of the Funambules Falret organization founded in 2018 in Paris. Funambules is a support service for youths aged 7 to 25 who have a loved one with a mental illness. Through her research and practice, Hélène has developed special expertise with regard to siblings, who are forgotten all too often. Through a guilt-free message, she tells us about the game of similarities/differences, mutual learning and the importance of reciprocity.

Episode 9 : Our Brother Has Bipolar Disorder: A Testimonial from Two Sisters

Episode 9 : Our Brother Has Bipolar Disorder: A Testimonial from Two Sisters

Duration : 42:07

Diagnosis of a mental illness often disrupts the family balance. Today we hear from two sisters, Rosalie and Sara. Their older brother, the eldest of the siblings, lives with type 1 bipolar disorder and was diagnosed several years ago. Rosalie is the youngest of four siblings and Sara is the next youngest. Although their personalities are distinctly different, they can testify to the same shared experience—accompanying a brother with a mental illness.

Episode 8 : Overcoming the impossible : The Suicide of a Loved One

Episode 8 : Overcoming the impossible : The Suicide of a Loved One

Duration : 54:58

Today, we present the 8th episode of our CAP vers l’entourage podcast series available on our website at capsantementale.ca and on your favourite audio platforms. As a part of Suicide Prevention Week, we are helping to break the silence and initiate discussion. Whether you are worried about a loved one, are suffering yourself or have lost a loved one by suicide, you are not alone. Go to https://commentparlerdusuicide.com/ or call 1-866-277-3553. Flora lost her father, who had bipolar disorder, over a year ago. When a father takes their life, it marks the beginning of a mourning process that requires time and causes a whirlwind of emotions, all of which are valid. Flora now has the courage to discuss this long process with us in order to raise awareness and break the cycle of taboos. Gabrielle Brind'Amour, Executive Director of l’Accolade Mental Health, opens a dialogue on what our emotions reveal, the risk and protective factors we and our loved ones possess as well as the importance of working with our emotional surroundings. Thanks to our speakers for helping us strengthen our community safety net.

Episode 7 : Their Needs, My Expectations and Our Future

Episode 7 : Their Needs, My Expectations and Our Future

Duration : 27:17

As we begin the year, we discuss the expectations that we hold for ourselves, our plans and our loved ones. Whether you are living with a partner, parent or child with a mental illness, how do you successfully make plans when navigating the unknown? Catherine Champagne from the Le PAS organization, a CAP santé mentale member affiliate, gives us some tips on learning how to set realistic expectations, accept our feelings of powerlessness and distinguish between our needs and our capabilities. We can start the process by walking alongside our loved one rather than in their shoes.

Episode 6 : Christmas My Way

Episode 6 : Christmas My Way

Duration : 44:08

The approaching holidays can bring up a lot of emotions. For family members of a person living with a mental illness, this period can often be particularly challenging. What if we could use this crazy year to reclaim Christmas in our own way, regardless of typical social conventions? This week, we hear from Cathy who shares her personal story of life with a mother who suffers from a severe mental health disorder that has affected her holiday season throughout her entire life. We’ll also hear from Nathalie from Accolade Mental Health in Châteauguay. She’ll provide tools and discuss new ways of thinking so we can have a more peaceful holiday experience.

Episode 5 : Tools for Better Communication

Episode 5 : Tools for Better Communication

Duration : 38:45

In Quebec and elsewhere, 1 in 5 young people have a parent with a mental illness. We wanted to emphasize the importance of families speaking freely on this subject, even though it is not always easy. This week we’ll hear from Aude and Geneviève who talk about the helpful When Your Parent Has a Mental Illness guide. We will also welcome Charlotte who confides in us about what it’s like living with a mother with an anxiety disorder. In collaboration with CAP santé mentale, The LaPProche Laboratory has created a guide for youth people called When Your Parent Has a Mental Illness, which can be read and downloaded free of charge on our website at (https://www.aidersansfiltre.com/quand-ton-parent-a-un-trouble-mental-conseils-et-temoignages-de-jeunes/). Remember, Charlotte's situation is far from unique. Many young people live with a person who presents clinical symptoms related to major mental health disorders without wanting to seek help. This is why it’s important for those who feel uncertain to reach out to resources that can assist them with this situation.

Episode 4 : Losing Sight of Yourself While Supporting a Friend

Episode 4 : Losing Sight of Yourself While Supporting a Friend

Duration : 40:28

We’ll hear from two guests this week, Émilie and Marie-Claude Jacques. A few years ago, Emilie experienced a very strong friendship full of good times but also a whirlwind of emotions. She’ll tell us about the bubble she created with her friend, her sense of responsibility and the boundaries she has learned to set for herself. Marie-Claude Jacques, Director of Undergraduate Studies in the School of Nursing Sciences at the University of Sherbrooke, will address the impact of a loved one's hospitalization and the role loved ones play in the medical system, as well as tools and tips to better support your loved one. Additional resources: www.suicide.ca or 1-866-APPELLE for more urgent help. Visit Anebquebec.com for resources on eating disorders.

Episode 3 : Building a safety net!

Episode 3 : Building a safety net!

Duration : 19:59

In this continuation of Episode 2: “Growing Up with a Mother Living with BPD!” we’ll hear from Nathalie, a psychosocial worker at one of our member affiliates, L'Éclusier du Haut-Richelieu. She’ll give us a behind-the-scenes look at her work with loved ones of people living with a mental illness and explain how seeking qualified help allows you to build a safety net. Thanks to Nathalie for addressing the different facets of asking for help and the role of professionals and some ideas to start thinking about before your first visit with a professional.

Episode 2 : Growing Up with a Mother Living with BPD

Episode 2 : Growing Up with a Mother Living with BPD

Duration : 20:19

Today, we’ll meet Camille, the young daughter of a mother suffering from borderline personality disorder. She agreed to share openly about her journey and what she has learned along the way. As an adolescent, Camille sought support within La Boussole’s Child and Youth Program in Quebec City. If this testimonial rings true with you, don't hesitate to seek help from an organization in your area.

Episode 1 : How to be part of the solution

Episode 1 : How to be part of the solution

Duration : 45:02

In this episode, we welcome Jean-Philippe Dion, CAP santé mentale spokesperson for the past four years. He’ll address his experience as the child of a mother with a mental illness, including his responsibilities and the importance of communicating and listening to warning signs.

Thanks to our partners :

Jean Coutu
VIA Rail Canada
L’Appui proches aidants
Réseaux communautaire de Santé et de Services sociaux
Centre d’apprentissage Santé et Rétablissement
Lafrance Communication
Desjardins Caisse du Plateau Montcalm
Raise Solutions
David Communication
Centre Axel
Productions Cina
Centre intégré universitaire de santé et de services sociaux de l’Est-de-l’Île-de-Montréal
Fondation Québec Philanthrope

Merci à nos donateurs corporatifs :

Rio Tinto
Fondation Famille Leclair
iA Groupe financier
Dariane Sanche